Tuesday, May 03, 2005

BREAKING NEWS: Planned Parenthood Flouting Illinois Law for Fun and Profit

Ravings of John C. A. Bambenek: BREAKING NEWS: Planned Parenthood Flouting Illinois Law for Fun and Profit contains information of the Illinois branch of Maggie Sanger's organization dispensing the morning after pill with no prescription knowing it will be stockpiled. Does anybody expect any different from the group who shields pedophiles and statutory rapists?
PP has become a great source for outrage du jour. I am sick of seeing these eugenic thanatocrats being held up as heroes. All they do is pretend they have the high moral ground by holding out exceptional circumstances (rape, incest and threat to mother's health/life) as if they are the rule. It is time they were called on it.
You can't claim that the birth process can be fatal then claim an exception for it when talking about a procedure that prolongs it in order to carry it out (partial birth abortion). Then again, in this debate, no one ever seems to require them to use logic. They are simply allowed to duck the question altogether by making ad hominem attacks on the people who raise the questions.

HT:The Dawn Patrol

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