Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I've always Enjoyed his Writing, This is no Exception

I have always enjoyed Orson Scott Card's writing. I've never let the fact Mr. Card is a democrat stand in the way of that enjoyment.

After John Kerry's recent insulting comments regarding US military personnel I was convinced that Democrats were without redemption. Make no mistake, some of them are, just visit Kos and DU if you don't believe me. Civilization Watch - October 29, 2006 - The Only Issue This Election Day - The Ornery American Is an excellant piece by Mr. Card and deserves to be read by a large number of people.

By the way, Mr. Kerry, my youngest came home a couple of months ago and announced that he wanted to enlist. I asked him why and expressed a desire to serve his country. After he graduates high school he reports to Ft. Benning for basic training. We are proud of him. Too bad that Mr. Kerry et al can only view him as lazy and stupid. Of course, being from Massachusetts, Mr. Kerry's seat is safe. The only way it could be safer is to have an on-going affair with an under-18 year-old page. That would get him a standing ovation from his party as well.

HT: Riehl World View and Michelle Malkin

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