Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Time for Tongue-in-cheek is Past

My previous post about the pedo blogs on Blogger could best be described as possibly misplaced wit on this topic.I went back to check the discussion at Lost in Lima Ohio and saw a little support but also some who were proudly outing themselves as pedophiles. There was the usual martyr complexes displayed as well. Quite frankly, this cannot wait til the 25th. Blogger needs to know in no uncertain terms that their facilitating the sexual exploitation of children must cease. Little Miss Chatterbox has more as well as Stacy Harp
Jessie over at Speck on the Wing of a Lady Bug has the most comprehensive so far.
Once I read the defenses attempted by pedophiles. Apparently, in their view, if they convince a child it is okay it is not molestation. We are talking olympic caliber gymnastics and sophistry here. I'm sure they honestly believe what they have convinced themselves of, which is what makes me fear for the children, not only of this country but everywhere.
At the end of the "Cartman Joins NAMBLA" episode of South Park, the head of the North American Man-Boy Love Association is trying to defend his "orientation". Kyle responds with, "Dude, you have sex with children". Undeterred, the perv continues to which Kyle once again responds, more forcefully: "Dude!YOU HAVE SEX WITH CHILDREN!". Remember that line next time one of the pedophiles tries to defend his/her/its position.

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