Friday, September 21, 2007

Col. Cut-n-Run Sticks by his Stupidity

blonde sagacity: Murtha Refuses to Apologize to Marines is a headline that should come as no surprise. His claime all along has been to the effect of, "Well that's what I've heard." Now, as a private citizen he is entitled to form an opinion on the matter. That is not what I question.

My problem with him is the fact that he, as a member of Congress, publicly pronounced the eight Marines in question guilty. He did this without the minor formality of a trial, indictment or even an investigation.

Now, one by one, the charges are being dropped. Being the man that he is, did Murtha offer an apology to those who have been exonerated? Nope! Afraid that would be expecting too much from him. Maybe he's waiting until it's all over before issuing apologies...yeah, right.

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