Saturday, January 22, 2005

OPPOSITION / Loud, peaceful protest interrupts Bush speech / Code Pink activists access VIP section -- and get expelled

OPPOSITION / Loud, peaceful protest interrupts Bush speech / Code Pink activists access VIP section -- and get expelled: "The most effective -- and disruptive -- protest may have come from the anti-war group Code Pink, which obtained 16 tickets to the inauguration from their members of Congress. Eight female activists, including Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin of San Francisco, obtained seats in the VIP section."

Now I can almost hear these congresspeople saying, "But it is a group of peaceful people." As I recall, Yassar Arafat was once given a Nobel Peace Prize. A move applauded by Democrats. I remember Hillary Clinton embracing his wife. And yet these people encouraged the random killing of Jews.
Do these Dems vett the people they send these tickets to at all? Granted, these people were, in the long run, nothing more than a minor annoyance. But given congressional Democrats love affair with terrorist groups, it could have been worse.
What I really find reprehensible is the congressional Dem's cowardly use of proxies like Code Pink to do what they apparently don't have the collective spine to do themselves.
Thank you Michelle Malkin for bringing this to our attention.

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